REQUEST FOR INTERNAL REVIEW UNDER TITLE IV OF THE AARHUS REGULATION OF COMMISSION IMPLEMENTING DECISION C(2016) 5644 granting an authorisation for six uses of lead sulfochromate yellow and of lead chromate molybdate sulphate red
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On 7 September 2016, the European Commission (the “Commission”) adopted Implementing Decision C(2016)5644 final3, granting DCC Maastricht BV the authorisation to use lead sulfochromate yellow (“Yellow Lead Chromate”) and lead chromate molybdate sulphate red (“Red Lead Chromate”) (the “Contested Decision”).
ClientEarth, the European Environmental Bureau (“EEB”), the International Chemical Secretariat (“ChemSec”) and the International POPs Elimination Network (“IPEN”) request the internal review of the Contested Decision in accordance with Article 11 of the Aarhus Regulation.