We are one of the world’s most ambitious environmental organisations.

We use the power of law to bring about systemic change that protects the earth for – and with – its inhabitants.

We work in partnership across borders, systems and sectors, using the law to protect life on earth. We work to bring about end-to-end systemic change: informing, implementing and enforcing the law, advising decision-makers on policy, and training legal and judicial professionals.

A world in which people and planet thrive together isn't just possible; it's essential.

We blocked Europe’s largest planned coal plant. We've forced governments across Europe to clean up air pollution.

We pressured the world’s largest multilateral lender to withdraw funding for fossil fuels. We’ve forced big polluters to come clean about their climate impacts – and to clean up their acts. We protect essential ecosystems on which everyone depends. We prevented the destruction of Europe’s oldest forest and protected vulnerable wildlife like wolves, bears and lynx.

We work tirelessly to ensure people can seek and access the protection they’re entitled to by law. We also support environmental legal professionals and organisations to work effectively to protect the planet: in China alone, we have trained over 1,500 judges in environmental law. 

Law is a powerful tool that can fundamentally change the way we live in the world. We see our work as pivotal to our shared future.
James Thornton, President and Founder
James Thornton, ClientEarth founder