Joint NGO recommendations on the setting of Baltic fishing opportunities for 2021
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These joint NGO recommendations to EU fisheries ministers were co-signed by 9 NGOs (ClientEarth, Coalition Clean Baltic, Danmarks Naturfredningsforening, Our Fish, Oceana, Suomen luonnonsuojeluliitto (Finnish Association for Nature Conservation), Seas At Risk, The Fisheries Secretariat and WWF). In this document, we jointly call on EU fisheries ministers to set Baltic fishing opportunities for 2021 in line with the requirements and objectives of the CFP, in order to restore and maintain fish populations above biomass levels capable of producing the maximum sustainable yield (MSY). We provide clear recommendations regarding
The document contains detailed recommendations and background information on all Baltic stocks subject to TACs.
Related links:
Find other files produced or co-signed by ClientEarth related to the annual negotiations on fishing opportunities from 2015 onwards here.