Ramatoulie Bajinka
Next Generation
Next Generation
Ramatoulie Bajinka is a graduating Environmental Science Student at University of the Gambia. She is an environmental activist, due to her love for and concern about climate change and the environment. She has joined several different organisations to take charge in different leadership positions such as the Vice President of the Agriculture and Environmental Science Student’s Association and the Vice President of Exchange IAAS Gambia (International Association of students in Agriculture and Related Sciences).
During her six-month internship at Young Volunteers for the Environment (YVE-The Gambia) Ramatoulie successfully took part in the Ban Lead Paint campaign in the country, and also trained women to make compost within their local communities. At university, Ramatoulie also embarked on many nationwide tours in the fight against climate change and for better agricultural practices.
Ramatoulie graduated from the Gambia College as a Science and English major in 2015, where she made it through in teaching field and thought for 3 years as a general science teacher and the coordinator of the Science Club.