
As part of the Global Public Affairs and Policy team, Marie-Charlotte Debouche is focusing on our advocacy towards the EU Institutions. She provides targeted advocacy support and policy insights to support our lawyers and to ensure ClientEarth is a trusted and credible voice.


Marie-Charlotte Debouche worked as Belgian Coordinator for the European Clean Cities Campaign, from 2020 until 2023. During this time, she learnt the ins and outs of campaigning, in a national and an international context. Her job included the coordination of stakeholders, as well as the development of clear and comprehensive asks towards policymakers.

Prior to that, Marie-Charlotte worked for three years as a consultant in public sector strategy for Deloitte Belgium.


Marie-Charlotte holds degrees in Macroeconomics and International Monetary Finance from Belgian universities.

As Public Affairs officer, I strive for political decisions enabling a healthy planet. I strongly believe that the European Union has a leading role to play in ensuring that we live in a way that respects planetary boundaries. I am glad to be able to support our lawyers in their mission to use the power of the law to hold the European Institutions accountable.