Camilla Bustani
Legal adviser
Legal adviser
Camilla Bustani is head of international telecoms, content and internet policy at Ofcom.
Camilla led Ofcom’s involvement in the review of the European regulatory framework for telecoms, working closely with the UK Government on the development of UK policy and negotiating strategies in Brussels, and leading political engagement with the European Commission and European Parliament. She also plays an active role in BEREC, the network of Europe’s telecoms regulators.
Prior to Ofcom, Camilla was a lawyer at Clifford Chance LLP, where she spent much of her time advising developing countries and international organisations on regulatory reform in the telecoms sector. She has served as senior editor of the Journal of International Affairs and published on a variety of international issues including telecoms reform, Brazilian elections, and the impact of environmental NGOs on the North American Free Trade Agreement. Camilla is also an adviser to BASIC (British American Security Information Council), has been an adviser to MEMO (Mass Extinction Monitoring Observatory, ) and has served on the Board of BASIC and the OpenDemocracy Foundation.