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ClientEarth Communications

24th October 2019

Access to justice update from ClientEarth and Justice & Environment

Our Analysis

EU internal review mechanism : CJEU conforms broad principles on scope and standard of review
The CJEU has confirmed the broad principles defined by the General Court on the scope and standard of its review in the context of the internal review procedure under Articles 10 and 12 of the Aarhus Regulation.
Read the full analysis by Anne Friel.

Nord Stream 2 and access to justice in Sweden and Finland
In the past year, ClientEarth has seen the conclusion of two domestic proceedings with important implications for access to justice in environmental matters in Sweden and Finland.
Read the full analysis by Boleslaw Matuszewski

Access to Justice in environmental matters in Poland: what's next?
One of the new cases announced in the European Commission’s July package of infringement decisions concerns access to justice in environmental matters in Poland. The issue at stake is the barriers that the public and NGOs face to challenging forest management plans before domestic courts.

Read the full analysis by Malgorzata Kwiędacz-Palosz.

Our Events

“Challenging activities that harm the environment : article 9.2 of the Aarhus Convention”- Sign up for our webinar!
Thank you for attending the webinar “Challenging activities that harm the environment : art 9.2 of the Aarhus Convention”! See the full programme here.

Thank you for attending our webinar on "challenging non-disclosure of environmental information"! You can now watch it here.

Poland organizes 5th training on Access to justice
Employees of the Local Government Appeal Boards and Maritime Office took part in the fifth training organised within the framework of the “Access to justice for a Greener Europe” project. It took place on 17 September in Szczecin. Read the report.

Our Resources

Interactive platform on access to justice
We have developed an interactive platform on Access to Justice for public interest lawyers and civil servants in Poland, Estonia and Hungary.

Legal toolkits on Access to justice
We have published country toolkits to help NGOs and legal professionals go to Court to protect the environment. Download the toolkits.

Legal guide on Access to justice in European law
ClientEarth lawyers have launched a guide to assist legal professionals and organisations in Europe take legal action to protect the environment. Download it here.

Lawyer database
ClientEarth and Justice & Environment have gathered details of legal experts across Europe to improve access to justice in environmental matters for all. Click here for more information.

The Project

Access to justice is a fundamental means through which citizens and NGOs can support the implementation and enforcement of laws and policies to protect the environment.
The goal of this ATOJ-EARL project is to achieve "Access to justice for a greener Europe". It strives to enhance access to justice in environmental matters by providing information, training and support for the judiciary, public authorities and lawyers of eight European member states.
For more information, visit our website.

ClientEarth and Justice and Environment are implementing this project with the financial support of the European Commission's LIFE instrument.

Anais Berthier, Senior Lawyer and Project Lead
Diane Vandesmet, Events and Communications Officer