Republic of Congo
We're working to ensure the Republic of Congo’s forest resources are managed more sustainably.
We're working to ensure the Republic of Congo’s forest resources are managed more sustainably.
Forests in Republic of Congo form part of the Congo Basin – the second largest tropical rainforest in the world after the Amazon. The Congo Basin accounts for 70% of Africa’s forest cover and holds huge amounts of carbon.
Strong national laws to preserve forests are an effective way to combat illegal logging and secure communities’ livelihoods.
Supporting civil society in law reform: We work towards increasing civil society’s access to legal information, building their legal capacity and supporting meaningful participation in decision-making processes that impact forests and the people that depend on them. We support organisations’ and platforms’ participation in law and policy reforms and raise communities’ awareness of their rights.
Promoting the rights of Indigenous peoples and local communities: Indigenous and local communities are key for the preservation of rainforests. We work to secure the customary rights of Congolese communities in statutory laws, which enables them to take care of and protect their lands more effectively. We pay particular attention to raising awareness of the importance of gender-sensitive legal frameworks.
Acting for inclusive, transparent and sustainable forest governance: Our work in the Republic of Congo places an emphasis on improving forest governance where laws are incomplete or incoherent, or where the laws are not implemented or enforced in an accountable and transparent way. We develop guidance and support the effective implementation of the right to benefit sharing and facilitate alternative grievance mechanisms. We also raise awareness on relevant laws in consumer countries promoting sustainable forest governance.
ClientEarth is working with partners to improve access to information for civil society on natural resources and community rights issues in the Republic of Congo. We have developed a database including the main policies and laws applicable to these topics.
The database provides links to PDF versions of these documents. The documents listed on this legal database are not necessarily official documents. They could consequently be outdated or contain mistakes.
The vast forests of the Congo Basin act as the planet’s second lung. So globally, it is hard to overestimate just how important ensuring this wealth of ecological diversity will be in avoiding climate catastrophe.Gady Inès Mvoukani, ClientEarth Senior In-Country Associate and Comptoir Juridique Junior Programme Coordinator