ClientEarth Communications
1st January 0001
Though Ivory Coast has lost most of its primary forest cover in the past 50 years, 22% of the country was still covered in forested land in 2011.
Civil society in Ivory Coast is actively engaged in protecting the country's forest and the communities who depend on them.
Ivory Coast started negotiating a bi-lateral agreement, known as a Voluntary Partnership Agreement (VPA) on timber trade and forest governance with the European Union in February 2013.
ClientEarth began working in Ivory Coast in 2015 and is providing legal support to civil society representatives involved in reform processes in the forest sector. Together with our in-country lawyers, we are gathering and analysing forest laws in order to make them more accessible, and providing training and legal advice to national stakeholders.
Access the Cote d'Ivoire Law database on our French-language site
In Cote d’Ivoire, ClientEarth works with Abidjan-based in-country Associates Raphael K. Kra and Charles Baimey. To get in touch with a member of the team, please write to