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ClientEarth Communications

19th September 2019

Climate accountability

ClientEarth actions in support of global climate strike

Today, 20 September, is a global climate strike. People all over the world will use their power to stop “business as usual” and call on political leaders to respond to the climate crisis.

Fridays for Future is asking adults to join in the day's mass mobilisations and many of our staff are going to their local demonstrations, to add their voice to the movement and support young people fighting for their future. Others will be continuing their everyday work to protect people and the planet.

Either way, we stand with people coming together to create positive social change.

ClientEarth recognises the value of the new social movements like the school strikes, Fridays for Future led by Greta Thunberg and others, like Extinction Rebellion (XR). In joining the demonstrations, people are exercising their well established rights to freedom of association and freedom of assembly to protest and use non violent direct action to seek political action on the climate crisis.