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Fisheries Policy | 19 December 2018

The control and enforcement of fisheries in ItalyThe control and enforcement of fisheries in Italy
Fisheries Policy
Wildlife & habitats
Fisheries & Seafood

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The control and enforcement of fisheries in ItalyThe control and enforcement of fisheries in Italy

This case study assesses Italy’s compliance with EU laws for detecting, prosecuting and sanctioning illegal fishing practices by its vessels and in its waters. It is based on a combination of desk-based research and interviews with key stakeholders.

Our key recommendations are the following:

  • Ensure that all serious infringements listed in the Control Regulation are considered as such in Italian legislation;
  • Fully implement immediate enforcement measures in Italian law as such and not as accompanying sanctions;
  • Consider whether a higher number of serious infringements deserve to be sanctioned with criminal penalties. In particular, apply criminal sanctions for “environmental pollution” or “environmental disaster” to fisheries infringements;
  • Where appropriate, base the maximum monetary sanction on the value of the fishery products obtained by committing the serious infringement;
  • Publish information on inspections, infringements and sanctions;
  • Give consideration to suspected cases of illegal fishing operations by Italian vessels in the waters of third countries.

This report is part of a series of case studies on the control and enforcement of fisheries in Europe, with other case studies in England, France, Ireland, the Netherlands, Poland and Spain.

Read the entire series here: