Sustainable Seafood Coalition (SSC) Members’ meeting minutes 8th January 2014
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Summary of agreed points
Item 1: Vote outcomes (codes)
When the SSC launches the sourcing and labelling codes, they will be implemented with a phased approach whereby larger members (such as multiple retailers and some brands and processors) will initially implement the codes.
The sourcing and labelling codes will be signed off simultaneously.
Item 2: Sourcing code - transgenic fish
Transgenic fish will not be included in the sourcing code or guidance document.
Item 3: Sourcing code - engagement
New wording was agreed on screen at the meeting (detailed in Item 3, below).
Details on how members might prioritise engagement, particularly regarding scale issues, will be decided at a later date and included in the guidance document.
Explanatory detail of what is meant by 'appropriate level of engagement' - with consideration of the different issues that may arise depending on the scale of the business and the scale of the fishery - will be included in the guidance document.
Item 4: Sourcing code - working towards sustainability
The statement on working towards sustainability will not be included in the code.
Item 5: Sourcing code - decision trees
The decision tree for a non-compliant audit was changed to reflect the text as agreed in Item 3.