Sustainable Seafood Coalition (SSC) Members’ meeting minutes 8th January 2014
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Summary of agreed points: In order to make a claim of responsibility for fish that have been risk assessed and come out as high or medium risk, the guidance document should recommend that the following steps be taken (in addition to the AIPCE-CEP principles):
Engagement in the Fishery/Aquaculture Improvement Project (FIP/AIP) should be relative to the size of the business
The Member should communicate externally their business' role and work in engaging with the Fishery/Aquaculture Improvement Project;
The member should be transparent about the commitment the business is making, the goal, and how it will be achieved
Member should ensure their business has accurate and up-to-date documentation to prove their engagement
Members should commit to a timeframe for achieving milestones within the FIP/AIP engagement
Members should review progress of the projects regularly.
The guidance document should provide use examples and case studies of existing and past FIP/AIPs, along with references to other organisations’ work on FIPs and AIPs.