Manual of procedures Forest Resource Management planning in the HFZ Section A strategic planning
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The Manual of Procedures for Forest Resource Management Planning prescribes the important tasks to be carried out in order to adequately plan for forest resource management in the high forest zone in the interest of the nation and for the benefit of the resource owners.
The purpose of Section A: Strategic Planning is to “set the long term goals for the management of a resource and describe the sort of changes to be enacted in order to achieve the goals” (section 1.2.1).
This document prescribes the requirements for strategic planning and contains instruction streets that describe the procedures to be undertaken by the Forest Service in all high forest zone districts. It includes details on planning teams (section 2.2), a provisional zonation map (section 2.3) and provisional management planning for protection zones (section 2.7). It also specifies the forest development plans on a district and regional scale (section 3).