Joint NGO recommendations on fishing opportunities for 2018 – TAC annex
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Every December, the fisheries ministers from all EU Member States meet to set the Total Allowable Catches (TACs) for the majority of Northeast Atlantic and North Sea fish stocks for the following year. In the lead-up to the 2017 December Council meeting, we have sent joint NGO recommendations to all EU fisheries ministers, together with The Pew Charitable Trusts, Seas At Risk, Oceana and the Fisheries Secretariat. This includes a cover letter summarising our recommendations, a more detailed policy briefing and an Annex with specific TAC recommendations for certain stocks.
We are urging EU fisheries ministers to ensure that their TAC decisions meet the objectives of the Common Fisheries Policy and contribute to the correct implementation of the landing obligation, and to improve the transparency and accountability of the TAC-setting process.
This TAC annex includes concrete TAC recommendations for specific stocks of particular concern.
Related links:
Find other files produced or co-signed by ClientEarth related to the annual negotiations on fishing opportunities from 2015 onwards here.