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Forests | 10 October 2003

Act – 2003 – Act for the Extension of the Sapo National Park – Liberia
Africa Law Database - Liberia

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Act – 2003 – Act for the Extension of the Sapo National Park – Liberia


AN ACT FOR THE EXTENSION OF THE SAPO NATIONAL PARK WHEREAS, it has been the policy of the Government of the Republic of Liberia to adopt such measures as deemed conducive in the interest of the State; and WHEREAS, our forests are among our greatest natural resources and may be made to contribute greatly to the socioeconomic, scientific and educational welfare of Liberia by being managed in such a manner as to ensure their sustainable use; and WHEREAS, the protection, conservation and sustainable utilization of these resources must be carried out promptly, efficiently and wisely, under such conditions as will ensure continued benefits to present and future generations of Liberia; and WHEREAS, 'Sapo National Park, establlsheo in 1983, is recognized as being at the core of an immense forests block of the Upper Guinea Forest Ecosystem that is important to the conservation of the biodiversity of Liberia and of West Africa as a whole; and WHEREAS, it has been determined by socio-economic and biological surveys and with consultation of the local community that the integrity of the Sapo National Park consisting of 323,075 acres  requires that its boundaries be extended; NOW THEREFORE it is enacted by the Senate and the House at Representatives ofthe Republic ofUberia, in Legislative Assembled: 

Section 1.1 Title: An Act for the Extension of the Sapo National Park to Embrace 445,677 Acres of Forest Land

Section 1. 2 Short Title: This Act may be cited as the Sapo National Park Act 

Section 2.3 Definitions: "Chains" means a unit of measurement that' is 80 chains to a mile, "Bounds" means lines defining distance between metes, "Metes" means point of direction change in demarcating boundary lines, "Metes and Bounds" define the perimeter of an area. "National Park" means an area of sufficient size to form a complete ecological unit, legally set-aside for the preservation and enjoyment of features that have outstanding natural beauty, cultural or biological significance.

Section 2.1 Metes, Bounds and description: a) The Sapo National Park is located in the Southwestern section
of Liberia in Sinoe County. It lies between 5 degrees DO' to 5 degree 50' North and North Latitude and 8 degrees 00' to 9 degrees 00' West Longitude, b) Commencing at a point at the confluence of the Sinoe River and the Wanna Creek a line runs along the Wanna Creek c) Due East for 552 chains; thence due East for 1140 chains to a point; thence North 63 degrees for 1980 chains to a point; thence North 36 degrees East for 689 chains to a point; thence North 55 degrees 30' West for 316 chains to a point; thence South 83 degrees 30' West for 884 chains to a point; thence North 48 degrees West for 526 chains to a point; thence South 56 degrees 30' West for 1110 chains to a point; thence due South 51 degrees West for 999 chains to a point; thence due South for 174 chains to a point on the Sinoe River; thence a line runs along the Sinoe River in the Southern direction for 760 chains to the point of commencement (confluence of Sinoe River and Wanna Creek) embracing 445,667 acres of forest land and no more.

Section 2.2: Management of the Sapo Netione Park: The said National Park shall be managed as a permanent component of the Protected Forest Area Network of Liberia in accordance with such rules and regulations as may from time to time be promulgated by the Forestry Development Authority of Liberia for the purpose.

Section 3: This Act shall take effect immediately upon publication in handbills.

Any Law to The Contrary Notwithstanding.