
Julian is a member of the Emissions Reduction team at ClientEarth, working on harmful chemicals.

He focuses on advocacy, targeted at the improvement and reform of the EU chemicals regulation REACH. Tackling chemicals in product legislation, e.g. in connection with ecodesign, is another of Julian's topics.

Julian also provides legal expertise to EDC Free Europe, a coalition of NGOs working for the appropriate control of endocrine disruptors.


With more than 12 years of experience in research, writing legal opinions to advance chemicals policy, and developing solutions for more sustainable chemicals management in collaboration with industry and stakeholders, Julian knows his "REACH" - and how companies tick.


Julian graduated from Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences and received his PhD with honours from the University of Kassel, Germany, on the regulation of nanomaterials in REACH - using legal methods and insights from behavioural sciences.

A more sustainable chemistry requires people to change - especially corporate decision makers. Law is the most powerful factor in facilitating this change. ClientEarth plays an important role in promoting legal frameworks that are up to the task.