
Dr Christiane Gerstetter joined the Berlin office of ClientEarth in 2019. She first was as a Legal Researcher in the Fossil Fuel Infrastructure programme and then went on to lead the activities of that programme in Germany. At the beginning of April 2024, she was appointed a managing director of ClientEarth gGmbH in Germany and Representative of ClientEarth, Germany.

For many years, she has been involved with social movements, with a particular focus on climate change.


Her professional experience includes working for 15 years at the for Ecologic Institute, a not-for-profit environmental think tank in Berlin. At Ecologic Institute, she coordinated and contributed to research projects with a focus on environmental law and politics, in particular on environmental crime and the relationship between trade and environment. In her PhD thesis, she analysed the case law of the World Trade Organisation (WTO) on national measures taken for non-trade purposes such as environmental protection.

Christiane was previously also a member of the investment committee of Ökoworld, an ethical investment company.


Christiane Gerstetter is a German lawyer, with a focus on environmental and international economic law. She is admitted to the bar in Germany.

I became a lawyer, because I wanted to help make the world a better place. With its focus on using the law to protect the environment, ClientEarth gives me the opportunity to do exactly that.