Anne Friel
Head of Just Societies
Head of Just Societies
Anne Friel joined ClientEarth’s Brussels office in February 2015. Her work focuses on enforcing access to information and justice rights at EU level.
Anne previously practiced EU competition, trade and public procurement law in the Brussels offices of White & Case and Philip Lee Solicitors until 2011, when she joined the European think tank, Migration Policy Group, to work on responsible public procurement.
Anne has a first class degree in Scots law from the University of Glasgow and a masters in EU law from the College of Europe in Bruges. She qualified as a solicitor in Scotland in 2008 (not currently practising as a solicitor).
Democracy is vital to protecting our health and the environment. Without it, individuals are unable to make informed consumer and political choices and hold decision-makers to account. Our work on the Aarhus Convention helps individuals do just that by ensuring wide access to environmental information and the ability to participate in and challenge decisions. With these tools, citizens can change the policies and corporate practices that are harming our environment and health.