Alfred Nkodia
Alfred Nkodia is a technical adviser specialised in forest governance and has been supporting ClientEarth’s work in Republic of Congo since 2016. He is now the Coordinator of the VPA-FLEGT independent monitoring project (OI APV FLEGT) and trains civil society stakeholders on independent monitoring. Alfred has been working with civil society on various projects since 1994, namely for the Union for Study and Research on Population and Development (UERPOD). He then joined a project on participative environmental governance in Central Africa (GEPAC) led by the Université Libre de Bruxelles. Alfred is also principal auditor at FSC and a member of COMIFAC’s expert group on forest governance. He holds a master’s degree in geography (Republic of Congo), and graduated from the Ecole Régionale Postuniversitaire d’Aménagement et de Gestion Intégrée des Forêts et Territoires Tropicaux (ERAIFT).