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Rule of law | 6 March 2017

Complaint to the European Ombudsman - Failure of the European Commission to disclose conformity checking documents in compliance with case C-612/13 P ClientEarth v Commission
Rule of law
Access to Justice for a Greener Europe

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Complaint to the European Ombudsman - Failure of the European Commission to disclose conformity checking documents in compliance with case C-612/13 P ClientEarth v Commission

This complaint deals with the European Commission's failure to respect the Aarhus Convention on access to information, public participation in decision-making and access to justice in environmental matters, Regulation 1367/20061 (the "Aarhus Regulation"), Regulation 1049/2001 (the "Regulation")2 as well as the Court of Justice's decision in case C-612/13 P3 with regard to the active dissemination and disclosure upon request of conformity checking studies in the field of environmental law. ClientEarth considers the Commission's conduct as an instance of maladministration.