Deforestation in Ghana is widespread

In Ghana, deforestation has occurred for a variety of reasons, including logging and land clearing to plant crops. The impact of deforestation is widespread, affecting the livelihoods of local communities and upsetting the balance of the forest ecosystems.

We began working in Ghana in 2013, providing legal support and training to local organisations and communities as the country reforms its forest laws.


increase in deforestation of primary rainforest in Ghana in 2018 – the highest rate of any tropical country.


people depend on Ghana’s forests for their livelihoods.

What we do

In November 2009, Ghana was the first country to sign a bi-lateral agreement on timber trade and forest governance with the EU. It aims to address deforestation and end the sale of illegal timber. Now the country is reforming its forest laws to tackle illegal timber and forest conversion.

We provide legal support to civil society to ensure they can actively participate in this reform process. This way, local communities take a leading role in protecting Ghana’s forests and ensuring their rights are recognised in law.

Ghana Law Database

Our Ghana Law Database aims to provide access to legal texts related to forest and natural resource governance in Ghana and is a resource which will be regularly updated and improved upon.